On February 19, 2025, President Trump’s executive order, Commencing the Reduction of the Federal Bureaucracy, ended the current incarnation of the PMF program and failed to outline how the crucial function of recruiting and developing top talent will continue.
Read MoreAs we draw the curtain on 2024, I am filled with profound gratitude and admiration for our remarkable community of public servants. This year has been one of significant achievement, growth, and poignant reflection for our association.
Read MoreThe Presidential Management Alumni Association (PMAA) and its members are deeply saddened at the passing of President Jimmy Carter.
Read MoreThe Presidential Management Alumni Association (PMAA) is thrilled to announce our Swag Sale Fundraiser. When you wear our PMAA gear, you’re not just sporting a hoodie or a tee shirt—you’re proudly declaring your commitment to excellence and lifelong learning. Your support directly contributes to professional development, training opportunities, and social events for our community.
Read MoreIn 1961, the renowned political philosopher Hannah Arendt was tasked by The New Yorker with covering the trial of Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi bureaucrat responsible for organizing the logistics of Hitler’s Final Solution. Her findings, which were ultimately published as a book in 1963 entitled, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, were as studied as they were controversial.
Read MorePMAA is pleased to announce its new partnership with the Federal Career Connection, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to increase awareness and participation in public, national, military, or other federal service professions.
Read MoreAs part of an Excellence in Government Fellows Program, I worked with an interagency team to examine how federal agencies are building financial resilience, and what more could be done.
Read MoreAre you looking for a way to support fellow PMF/PMI alumni while promoting your own business or service? Look no further than PMAA’s new directory of PMF-owned and operated businesses, services, and artisans who are taking commissions!
Read MoreAs PMIs and PMFs we're always focused on finding solutions and learning new skills. And PMAA is committed to sharing the significant knowledge and expertise of our community. But sometimes, you need to call in an outside expert. And in a community with as many interests, talents, and career paths as ours, we need a team of experts. That’s why PMAA is thrilled to announce a new partnership with edX.
Read MorePMAA would like to send a heartfelt and hearty happy birthday to a special someone that is near and dear to our program, Former President, Jimmy Carter! Just prior to his own auspicious day, President Carter sent PMAA a congratulatory letter extolling the virtues of the PMF program, and all its years of graduates, which will be celebrating its own milestone anniversary later this year.
Read MoreLGBTQI+ Americans and their allies have made great strides in their long fight for civil rights, personal freedom, professional success, and physical safety in the face of countless obstacles, including official policies that once barred the hiring of LGBTQI+ individuals as federal employees. However, there is still a long path ahead, especially for trans people and and people of color within the larger LGBTQI+ community.
Read MoreSixty years ago, President Kennedy signed an Executive Directive establishing the Federal Executive Board network. www.feb.gov Its purpose is to connect and collaborate with federal agencies. These places are all outside of D.C., where 85% of the federal workforce works. What began as ten initial FEBs has now grown to 28…
Read MoreThis Public Service Recognition Week, we wanted to share with you a reflection on public service preserved in the time capsule that is OPM’s electronic official personnel folder, where long-time public servant and 1996 PMI Barbara Menard rediscovered her PMI application responses!
Read MoreStill have student loans? You may be able to get loan forgiveness - even if you thought you weren't eligible. While you may have read about dedicated teachers and other public servants making years of payments just to be denied over minor technicalities, the good news is that the program has made changes to make it easier to get your federal student loans forgiven. But it is important to know - some of these changes have a deadline of October 31.
Read MoreLike Trish, the protagonist in the Divergent Series, I have long been someone who feels different; one who has broken the mold that society would impose. I hope that this brief column will encourage you to be a supporter of those we deem “divergent” from the norm or the “normal.”
Read MoreA dearth of icons with whom to identify may perpetuate trauma from bias and stupidity and, as such, barriers to service. For instance, I recall my “graduation” from the Presidential Management Fellowship (PMF). How many service animal handlers walked across the stage? As memory serves, my guide dog Langer and I solely walked across that stage.
Read MoreWe all make mistakes. In fact, we all make career mistakes. But a little planning, a little pause to reflect before jumping into the next opportunity, can save a lot of frustration in the future…
Read MoreAt the end of my first calendar year at my new position working on international trade, I have the opportunity to take stock of the books and the training that I have read and would recommend for those considering or entering the international trade policy space…
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